Time Annotation Layer
0:7 William Gass On Being Blue misc
0:17 Nelson mentions that this section of Bluets is an engagement with Gass's book misc
0:1 blue topics
0:1 color topics
0:6 philosophy topics
0:40 eyes topics
0:1 Bluets works
0:34 begins reading sections
0:29 - 0:29 matthew timmons speaker
1:11 - 1:11 unknown speaker speaker
0:2 - 0:2 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:4 - 0:5 groan/fry sound ephemeral
0:8 - 0:9 deep breath ephemeral
0:15 - 0:15 laugh ephemeral
0:21 - 0:21 deep breath ephemeral
0:23 - 0:23 "tch" sound/swallow ephemeral
0:26 - 0:27 deep breath ephemeral
0:29 - 0:29 laugh ephemeral
0:30 - 0:30 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:30 - 0:30 deep breath ephemeral
0:31 - 0:31 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:34 - 0:34 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:35 - 0:35 breath ephemeral
0:38 - 0:38 breath ephemeral
0:39 - 0:39 stutter ephemeral
0:44 - 0:44 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:44 - 0:44 breath ephemeral
0:48 - 0:48 breath ephemeral
0:51 - 0:51 "tch" sound ephemeral
0:51 - 0:51 breath ephemeral
0:57 - 0:56 breath ephemeral
0:60 - 0:60 breath ephemeral
1:3 - 1:2 tch sound, swallow? ephemeral
1:4 - 1:4 breath ephemeral
1:9 - 1:9 breath ephemeral
1:11 - 1:11 hum/laugh ephemeral
IIIF manifest: https://kywark.github.io/penn-sound-poetry/from-la-lit-21-march-11-2007-from-bluets-52-/manifest.json